Author: admin

Roman App

An incredibly sophisticated, new type of digital memorial is the digital avatar…this area is sometimes called “augmented eternity,” whereby an individual persists through text simulated text conversations, for example.

Hart Island

An island in the Bronx. For 150 years, it has been used as a burial ground for unclaimed and unidentified New Yorkers.

Warhol Gravesite

This is Andy Warhol’s gravesite in Bethel Park, PA, that is live-streamed 24/7 via Earthcam and the site for Madelyn Roehrig’s ongoing artwork “Conversations with Andy.”

QR codes on graves

The trend of adding QR codes to gravestones is troubling. Digital memorials disappear because they are hosted on platforms that go out of business or whose hosting subscription has lapsed.

Ghost Bikes

Some memorials, such as ghost bikes, persist because communities actively tend to them.